I hope all of you enjoyed a great Independence Day. I know I did. Luke has added "firecracker" "loud" and "hot" to his vocabulary thanks to the robust celebration of freedom that went on late into the night last Sunday and Monday night.
As I reflected upon some of the values of our country, it dawned on me that our freedom of religion is something very foreign to the world of the Bible. The culture in which the Bible was written, particularly in John's day when he wrote Revelation, was hostile toward religions that did not include allegiance to Rome and the Emperor. In fact, it was very common for Roman citizens to say "Caesar is Lord." The Church in Smyrna understood the incompatibility of having two Lords. One could not be loyal to Rome and confess that "Caesar was Lord," and in the same breath confess "Jesus as Lord." As a result, they were persecuted.
The Risen Lord has a word of encouragement for those that remained faithful in the face of suffering. I believe he has a word of encouragement for us as well. We will never know what it's like to suffer for our faith the way that church in Smyrna did 2,000 years ago, and I doubt we will ever know first-hand of what it's like to suffer the way believers in China do today. That doesn't mean, however, that we are immune to suffering, adversity and trials from Satan. The assault on our soul takes many shapes and forms. Perhaps you need to be reminded that God is in control and that he has a plan?
I hope to see you Sunday...the Risen Christ has a word of encouragement for You!
Pastor Mark