We had a great Ash Wednesday service last night. We began a journey that takes us from the early days of Jesus' ministry to his trial and crucifixion and ultimately to the empty tomb. I have chosen Mark's Gospel to guide us. I'm looking forward to walking with our church through these passages that reveal the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom Jesus speaks of is very different from the empire of this world. At times, it appears that Jesus is inviting us into a Kingdom that is upside down and very different from life as we know it. However, as we experience more of this Kingdom we discover what is truly upside down and what is really right-side up.
Our church is reading through the Gospel of Mark as we approach Easter Sunday. Periodically, I will post my reflections on some of these passages. I would love to answer any questions you may have about something you read in the book of Mark. You can email your questions to: msnodgrass@bnaz.org. I look forward to this exploration of scripture together and to what God wants to show us.