Friday, August 17, 2012

The Untameable Tongue

We went to Paul’s kindergarten orientation yesterday. Maybe kids have changed since I was in school, but I imagine that some astute classmate will realize the wealth of comedic relief that a last name like “Snodgrass” provides. I’ve heard all the variations and different ways of distorting and rearranging this name to make reference to that which flows out of our nasal cavity. I’ll be surprised if Paul hears anything new. I can only hope that he eventually gets into a gifted program. Maybe then some bright and aspiring student will come up with something original.
I remember coming home to my maternal grandmother crying that I had been made fun of that day at school. Her last name was Daniel and maiden name was Brown. I doubt she had first-hand experience of what I was going through. She did, however, comfort me with some age-old wisdom that so many in my situation have heard before, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
We have the best of intentions when we recite this little maxim; however, it’s simply not true. Words do hurt. We eventually learn to easily dismiss things as petty as variations of our last name, but words spoken in anger, gossip, slander, and lies against us hurt badly. In the book of James, we are called to get a handle on our speech. He calls us to “tame our tongue.” Like so many things related to our growth into Chirst-like maturity, it’s easier said than done. However, as I read James 3, I believe it’s possible. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be the kind of people who use their speech to glorify God, encourage others, and build up the body of Christ.


  1. Sounds like it will be a great sermon! Wish we could be there - hope you have a blessed day at BCN!

  2. I completely agree Pastor Mark. I don't know what is going on with the new age now days; I live in Springdale, and you wouldn't believe the things I've heard these kids say through the thin walls of our apartment. The kinds run around out front, I hear curse words on a daily basis from kids 6+. I don't know what is going on now days, but if I were ever to say anything remotely close to what they're yelling. My father would've tanned my hide. The world lies in our children's hands, sometimes it can be scary. But the world is with out children. In ways it gets better, but sometimes not so much. All we can really do is pray for these children and they're parents. We need to lead an example of Godliness. Maybe the world will follow? Or maybe we can make a difference in only a few. Some better than none, a difference is what matters. Change the hearts of the "Damned". To turn the world around is a huge feat, but to make a difference in a few lives. Now that's a Godly feat.

    I completely agree; when I was in school, I stood up to the kids making those comments. I was a target a little myself. But not like others. I still pray to this day for those who were hurt with words from childhood, because those words will carry on. There is actually a Bible series my wife and I watch. It's called "The Hurt Pocket" by Jimmy Evans. Great series; he's helped us with our hurts and our childhood. Weather we relise is or not. We all have a hurt pocket, and to empty it is a hard feat. But once it's empty, our hearts, minds, and souls are opened up and we can see clear our goals from God.

    To admit we have a hurt pocket is one thing, we all have hurt. Hidden or open; regardless we should regain our focus on what matters and that is changing lives and the world.
    Jimmy Evans. The Hurt Pocket Series

    Sorry if this was rambled together. Haha my new schedule is 3:30am-2pm. 6 days a week. Kinda tired. 50-60 hours a week will do that to ya. Hope my inspiration helps lol.

    Have a good one guys,
    The Brown Family.
